League Of ROBLOX wiki

Speed is one of your character's stats. Speed is your character's movement, and is a great advantage when you are on the battlefield. Speed can be decreased, or suddenly stopped by other abilities with Slow and Stun. You can upgrade your speed using the shop, but you can only buy 1 Speed Upgrade. You'll be given a choice of getting shoes will give you 8 Toughness or Resistance, but speed is only added by 1, shoes that increase by 1.5, but doesn't increase Toughness/Resistance.

Speed Upgrades:

Shoes: +1 to Speed. Costs 120 Tix.

Running Shoes: +1.5 to Speed. Costs 170 Tix + Shoes.

Armored Shoes: +1 to Speed, 8 to Toughness. Costs 240 Tix + Shoes. (Shown in Toughness Page)

Encrypted Shoes: +1 to Speed, 8 to Resistance. Costs 280 Tix + Shoes. (Shown in Resistance Page)
